Friday, February 5, 2010

Socket Register 1

Hi All,

This week we will go through the Socket Registers.

The socket register allows the user to select the different protocols such as TCP, UDP, IPRAW, MACRAW, PPPoE.

The Socket Command Register provides the different command to the chip such as OPEN socket, Send, Receive, and so forth.

The Socket Interrupt socket provides the socket interrupt status such as send ok, timeout, receive, disconnect, and connect.

Socket State this registers allows the user to check the current state in the state machine of our chipset.

The source port register is used for set the source port for the UDP and TCP socket connection

If the destination hardware is known, the user can input it in the Destination Hardware Address register. However, this is optional because the hardware address can be resolved by the Address resolution Protocol.

When using multi cast mode, you also nee to specify the Destination Hardware Address, Destination IP, and Destination Port. These parameters should match the multicast network.

Next week we will continue to discuss Socket Register Part2.

Thank you


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